From modal shift to barriers to design parameter quantification

WP2 KickOff

AUTOFLEX is picking up pace and today we officially started Work Package 2: From modal shift to barriers to design parameter quantification.

The consortium met in a virtual room to kick-off this ground laying work package. It focuses on analyzing the current market and modeling the transport. Further it is important to derive the necessary information coming from the market to quantify the parameters of the AUTOFLEX vessel design from both supply side and demand side in order to gain knowledge about the infrastructure and gain a better understanding of market demands.
Moreover, the results of AEGIS EU Project and Autoship H2020 will be exploited and the model components of an already existing #SIMPACT tool by SINTEF Ocean will be expanded upon.

Key objectives of Work Package 2 are to quantify design parameters and boundary conditions for vessel design and the autonomous vessel transport system. It also aims to define requirements and performance targets to overcome barriers to modal shift. The work package includes analysing the transport market and identifying key performance indicators to evaluate the AUTOFLEX transport system. Additionally, it involves modeling and simulating the new transport system using real-world logistic data, conducting interviews with selected stakeholders to derive mode selection criteria, building a foundation for novel business models, and further developing the logistical analysis tool SIMPACT.